Dual Pricing

A program in which business owners can significantly lower or eliminate a majority of their credit card processing costs.

Through Xell’s technology, a merchant will present the customer with both a cash price and a regular price, allowing the customer to select their preferred payment method.

It is legal in all 50 states. With the correct technology solution, any business can correctly use a dual pricing program.

Merchants that stay compliant with visible prices and signage can implement a dual pricing system that suits their business without sacrificing customer experience. 

We will take all the guesswork out of dual pricing program by providing a technology solution that integrates seamlessly with your current payment ecosystem while working with you to build and implement dual pricing signage.

Fees with Dual Pricing Plan

Pricing per Ocurrence

Cost 1


Cost 2


Cost 3


Cost 4


Cost 5


Cost 6


Xell is the most supportive and easy-to-deal-with card processor you've ever used, No hidden fees or surprises.

Do you have doubts?

We’re here to help! If you have any questions, concerns, or just need more information, don’t hesitate to reach out.

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