Know what you will pay from the start with transparent pricing. When a customer spends money with your business, Xell only keeps a portion of the commissions, and most of it goes directly back to your business. We make payment processing easier and more profitable.
We manage the following fee models, which are designed to be cost-effective for all users and to deliver on Xell’s promise to be intuitive and easy for all its customers:
Debit | Credit
Per transaction with credit/debit card
on product price*
Displaying two prices for each item – one for cash payments and one for credit/debit card payments.
Debit | Credit
Per transaction with cash
on product price*
A pricing strategy where customers receive a discount for paying with cash.
Debit | Credit
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Yes. You can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel your plan at any time.
No, we have an array of tools to help you run your business that do not require you to purchase Xell hardware.
A method of implementing an increase in price to all your customers, while giving a discount to those who pay with cash. When a customer pays with a card, our technology isolates the price increase and applies it to your processing fees so that you never again have to worry about an unpredictable processing bill!
If you are tired of an unpredictable processing bill every month, want to completely eliminate your processing fees, do not want to be locked into a long-term commitment, and need customer support that is efficient and fast; this program is perfect for your business.